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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

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What are the symptoms of Angular Cheilitis?

Angular cheilitis is a skin infection that causes one or both corners of the mouth to become dry, cracked, and sore, causing pain. Angular cheilitis is not contagious, unlike cold sores, which are transmitted through contact with the herpes simplex virus. Angular stomatitis or angular cheilitis

How do you know if you have a jaw disorder?

The jaw is a bone located in the middle and lower part of the face. It supports the teeth, muscles and tissues that help in movement, speaking, swallowing and chewing food. It is also an important part of the facial structure that shows the identity

How to lose weight postpartum, easily done at home.

After giving birth, most mothers are concerned about the problem of the postpartum belly that still remains. It may take some time to recover before the belly is flat again. However, it may not be easy to reduce the postpartum belly as expected because it takes time

How much weight will you lose when you exercise?

When starting to exercise at a low level, the body will burn fat to use as energy efficiently. It is a period when there is not much heat accumulated in the body, so the body does not need to sweat. But whenever there is more